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Best Paper Award of SoCG 2024

The best paper of SoCG 2024 is awarded to Sayan Bandyapadhyay and Jie Xue for their paper: An $O(n \log n)$-Time Approximation Scheme for Geometric Many-to-Many Matching. The paper is available here.

Best Student Paper Award of SoCG 2024

The best student paper award of SoCG 2024 goes to Rhuaidi Burke for his paper: Practical Software for Triangulating and Simplifying 4-Manifolds. The paper is available here.

SoCG Test of Time Award 2024

The SoCG Test of Time Award 2024 goes to:

The awards will be presented in a special session of CG Week 2024.

Best Student Presentation Award
The Best Student Presentation Award goes to Isaac M. Hair for his talk on the paper Convex Polygon Containment: Improving Quadratic to Near Linear Time with Timothy M. Chan.
The winners are selected by a committee appointed by the SoCG steering committee. For 2024 it consists of Pankaj K. Agarwal (Duke University), Siu-Wing Cheng (HKUST), and Raimund Seidel (Saarland University). In selecting the Test of Time Award, the committee will pay particular attention to long term impact. This impact can come in many forms. Some possibilities are: (i) to open up a new area of research; (ii) to introduce new techniques; (iii) to solve a problem of lasting importance. The selection will be announced by March 15, 2024.
About the Award
This is the fifth SoCG Test of Time Award. The winners of the previous awards can be found at The 2024 award winners will be presented at CG Week 2024, to be held in Athens, Greece, June 11—14, 2024.