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List of Accepted Contributions
Title Authors
1 Visualizing Lucas's Hamiltonian Paths Through the Associahedron's Skeleton Kacey Thien-Huu La, Jose E. Arbelo, and Christopher J. Tralie
2 Ipelets for the Convex Polygonal Geometry Nithin Parepally, Ainesh Chatterjee, Auguste H. Gezalyan, Hongyang Du, Sukrit Mangla, Kenny Wu, Sarah Hwang, and David M. Mount
3 The ultimate frontier: An Optimality Construction for Homotopy Inference Dominique Attali, Hana Dal Poz Kouřimská, Christopher Fillmore, Ishika Ghosh, André Lieutier, Elizabeth Stephenson, and Mathijs Wintraecken
4 Computational Geometry Concept Videos: A Dual-Use Project in Education and Outreach Marjolein Haagsman, Maarten Löffler, and Carola Wenk
5 Optimal-in-place compaction of sliding cubes Irina Kostitsyna, Tim Ophelders, Irene Parada, Tom Peters, Willem Sonke, and Bettina Speckmann
6 Image Triangulation Using the Sobel Operator for Vertex Selection Olivia Laske, Lori Ziegelmeier
Media, Visualizations, and Geometric Art are sought for the 33rd International Computational Geometry Media Exposition (CG:ME), which will take place as part of Computational Geometry Week 2024 in Athens, Greece, June 11-14, 2024. Submissions showcase creative approaches to illustrate research and/or support education in computational geometry.
CG:ME Chairs
Submission instructions

Please send your submission to with a paper in PDF and a link to the corresponding portfolio. The email title should be: SOCG 2024 ME Submission: {Short Title of the Paper}.

Please email the chairs if you have any questions regarding the submission.


Submit a paper in PDF which details the portfolio and, where applicable, the techniques used in the implementation. The paper should explain the connection of the submission to computational geometry, broadly interpreted.

The paper submission should include a link to a portfolio of the work, such as images, video, link to interactive apps, etc. For example, if it's a video, we recommend posting it to Youtube (you can leave it unlisted so only those with the link can view it). You may also use an online file service such as Dropbox or Google Drive to share the portfolio files. In the final proceedings, the link will be replaced with the archival link at

The authors should specify in their submission how it may be displayed. Note that if your work is a video, then the portfolio and the work are in fact identical.

Acceptance is based on both the portfolio and the accompanying paper.

Authors are encouraged to contact the PC chair Bei Wang ( and co-chair Raghavendra Sridharamurthy ( early in the process to get feedback on their planned submissions.
Important Dates
Note that this year, we are using a rolling submission window. The PC will try to notify authors of acceptance or rejection within 10 days of submission. The purpose is to ensure that those needing early acceptance (say for visas) can be notified early.
Technical Details

Portfolio submissions are limited to 100 MB. Authors are free to post higher quality versions on their own web sites or other platforms, and we will include links in the electronic proceedings to their version, in addition to the official version (< 100 MB) archived on the Computational Geometry pages.

Videos should be 720p or better, using H.264, where the embedded audio stream should be AAC of at least 128kBit/s. Authors are encouraged to post the videos (public or unlisted) on a video sharing service.

Submissions must be formatted according to the same style file as regular SoCG submissions and not exceed 100 lines, excluding front matter and references. Unlike SoCG, CG:ME is not employing double-blind submissions this year. To ensure an accurate line counting, authors must use the LaTeX class file socg-lipics-v2021, which is a wrapper around the standard LIPIcs class, see these guidelines.

Program Committee